Episode 8.

The Disciplined Husband Does Not Compromise.

Take your stand for righteousness. 


Today there is so much compromising on the ways of the Lord in Christian families. So much so that men of God are forsaking the call of God in order to please their wives.  Download The Episode Here.

This sort of compromising brings all kinds of problems in the family. I have seen this more and more as I travel and minister to the sick and to those who are struggling in there lives with everyday living.

Men are trying to keep the peace in there homes by submitting to their wives. But are actually causing more turmoil because this kind of behaviour is opposing the order of God.   

In this episode I teach on the conduct of a godly husband and father.

As we go through the Word of God together I show you the position of authority that a husband has in his household. Along with that authority comes a responsibility and an accountability to the Lord. 

I begin this episode with a reflection on the previous one, where we went through God's Word and saw the negative influence that a women can have on a man of God. How great chosen men of God were led to sin because of there wives. Also we noted that a wife with godly conduct could lead her unbelieving husband to Christ. 

I show from the book of Genesis the order that God gave to the husband and wife way back at the beginning, in the garden of Eden. 


The authority of a husband and father to cancel out the wife or daughter's vows she has made to the Lord. Even if his has died.


 Why God has commanded that a women is not to teach a man.


How does a husband love his wife. It not what you think.


Husband you must have sound knowledge of the Word.


Our understanding of how to be a godly husband is vitally important, so that the blessing of the Lord will be in our house.

It is just as important to now how to be a godly father, so that we can raise up godly offspring. 

Today there so much rebellion of children towards their parents because the children have not been brought up in the ways of the Lord.

Abraham was the father of many nations. Many people believe that God chose Abraham because he was a man of faith. But as we look at the scriptures we see that there were many people of faith (Hebrews 11). There was a specific reason why the Lord chose Abraham to be the father of many nations, and there is a great lesson from this that we can learn and apply to our lives as fathers to our children. 

Why did God choose Abraham.


We need to be the same.


Discipline - Don't withhold the rod. 


As God chastens those He loves, we also chasten those whom we love.


Fathers do not provoke your children. How do you do that?


Plus I talk about how God uses the husband and father to bring His word to the family. 

I give testimony of my children knowing the normal Christian life.

And I close with a prelude into the next episode where I will give a personal testimony of what happened in my marriage as a result of rebellion against God's Word.

So grab your bible, take notes, take action, and be the man of God in your household. 

To His glory.                                                                                     Amen.




If you want others to help you or to have some like minded fellowship then go to. World Map. and click on a marker that's in your area. You can then contact them.   If you want some professional coaching on being fruitful in all areas of your life. Whether you have goals you want to accomplish or you just want to  be a better disciple of Christ. If you lack discipline then you can contact me                                                     You can check what you can expect from professional coaching from me at.   YB12 Coach.     Remember to subscribe saints, so you can get notified of the new episodes.                                           Love to you all. Glenn.