Dr. Teresa Pangan's Website: https://www.drteresapangan.com/


MORE FROM DR. PANGAN How would you like to feel less stressed? Even turn your stress around to help you achieve what is important to you like weight loss or connecting with those you love.

New research indicates we can utilize stress to make yourself stronger and move towards your goals. Dr. Teresa Pangan has seen how debilitating stress can be in patients she works with and in her own family's lives. She shares some easy to put into practice ways to manage stress and also the latest research on how you can reverse stress so that it helps you.

We have been told over and over that stress is debilitating and to avoid it. Stress doesn't have to be that way. Stress back in previous times helped us survive and react to life threatening situations like a tiger. Dr. Pangan will share the three stages your body has been trained to move through to process stress. Stress we encounter can be external stressors like a jerky comment someone makes at a meeting, a text on your phone about a bill due, a fight with a spouse, or even getting held up in traffic. Internal stressors can be negative self-talk, constant perfectionism or unable to tolerate uncertainty.

There is a whole cascade of things that happen instantly in our bodies when stressed either with external or internal stressors. In a sense, your body reacts as if there was a tiger standing a few feet away. What we find helps to process all these stressors throughout the day are activities that move the stress through your body and communicate to your body that you are safe and the body can bring things back to its normal healthy levels.

There are several easy to do activities in your day that will process the stress you encounter so our health is not negatively affected by the stress. Listen to the episode to find out different options you can implement in your own life to feel less stress.

Another important part of stress is to utilize the stress to help you reach your goals. Good stress is one way to do this. It is an appraisal of the situation where you see it as a threat or change it to seeing as a challenge - something that you will learn and grow from. This is also called eustress. There is a newer approach to stress from the research that utilizes stress to become stronger and use it to move your towards your goals. It is called "stress is enhancing" approach to stress. There is a three-step approach to putting this into practice in your life. If left alone stress can affect your physical health through contributing to chronic disease and weight gain and also make it difficult to sustain other positive lifestyle behaviors in your life like positive eating habits, movement and quality sleep. Stress can be managed and stopped from harming our health with some easy daily practices and even be transformed to more powerfully pursue your goals and what is important in your life. Dr. Pangan speaks throughout the country on ways to destress and bring about good stress to feel and be less stressed. Her mission is to help people feel better in themselves, thus get more out of life. You can learn more or book her to speak at




Click HERE to schedule your FREE 1:1 call - Do you ever hear yourself saying “I don’t even know where to start! I get motivated to make health changes and then feel instantly overwhelmed with what to prioritize! “ This is the PURPOSE of this call… you will walk away feeling equipped with the understanding of where to start! (feeling supported in your journey).

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Click HERE Discover 5 Stress Free Meal Planning Tips to Increase Energy & Lose the Fluff -Without Giving Up Everything You Love Or Feeling Deprived

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** Follow Direction Not Perfection**

Hi! I’m Lindsey House, I am a dietitian & Personal Trainer turned accountability coach. I always heard my clients saying “I know what to do, I just need to do it”, so I’ve made it my personal mission to help individuals take action. While taking action, we get to see other exciting results, such as:

**Letting go of the all-or-nothing mentality (overcoming perfectionism)

**Getting off the sidelines in life and feeling energetic enough to participate

**Decreasing joint soreness to enjoy something as big as travel and small as playing on the floor with grandkids

I’d be honored to be invited on a personal health journey with you & be part of the accountability dream team!


Podcast: https://www.healthaccountabilitycoach.com/podcast-1

Website: https://www.healthaccountabilitycoach.com

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