Register for Eliza's "Healthy for The Holidays" :

(Author of "Brain Powered Weight Loss")

------------------------------------------------------------Eliza's work might be right for you if:

**You’ve been obsessing over food and your weight for as long as you can remember

**You’re exhausted from how much time you spend feeling bad about your body

**You’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing seems to work for you

**You know what to do, you just don’t do it consistently

**You’re always either on a diet or off the rails, there is no in-between

**You wonder if you’ll ever leave this struggle behind you

**You know there has to be a better way, you just don’t know what it is

**You’re tired of starting over every Monday, swearing you’ll be different this week

**You’re tired of trying so hard to lose weight, only to find your clothes fitting tighter and the scale not budging. -

------------------------------------------------------------ DO YOU WANT EXTRA SUPPORT & ACCOUNTABILILTY?

Click HERE for your FREE 1:1 call:

YouTube Podcasts (I have playlists waiting for you!):

Join our free Direction Not Perfection FB community:

Click HERE for your FREE Stress Free Meal Planning Guide:


** Follow Direction Not Perfection**

Hi! I’m Lindsey House, I am a dietitian & Personal Trainer turned accountability coach. I always heard my clients saying “I know what to do, I just need to do it”, so I’ve made it my personal mission to help individuals take action.

While taking action, we get to see other exciting results, such as:

• Letting go of the all-or-nothing mentality (overcoming perfectionism)

• Getting off the sidelines in life and feeling energetic enough to participate

• Decreasing joint soreness to enjoy something as big as travel and small as playing on the floor with grandkids

I’d be honored to be invited on a personal health journey with you & be part of the accountability dream team!




#directionnotperfection #rewritetherules #healthaccountabilitycoach