Healthy For The Holidays:

Website: (Author of "Brain Powered Weight Loss")


Eliza's work might be right for you if:

**You’ve been obsessing over food and your weight for as long as you can remember

**You’re exhausted from how much time you spend feeling bad about your body

**You’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing seems to work for you

**You know what to do, you just don’t do it consistently

**You’re always either on a diet or off the rails, there is no in-between

**You wonder if you’ll ever leave this struggle behind you

**You know there has to be a better way, you just don’t know what it is

**You’re tired of starting over every Monday, swearing you’ll be different this week

**You’re tired of trying so hard to lose weight, only to find your clothes fitting tighter and the scale not budging.



Click HERE to schedule your FREE 1:1 call - Do you ever hear yourself saying “I don’t even know where to start! I get motivated to make health changes and then feel instantly overwhelmed with what to prioritize! “ This is the PURPOSE of this call… you will walk away feeling equipped with the understanding of where to start! (feeling supported in your journey).

Click HERE to join our FREE Direction Not Perfection Community: Real Weight Loss for Woman After 40


Click HERE Discover 5 Stress Free Meal Planning Tips to Increase Energy & Lose the Fluff -Without Giving Up Everything You Love Or Feeling Deprived

Click HERE if you want to be able to watch the podcast on our YouTube Direction Not Perfection Station!


** Follow Direction Not Perfection**

Hi! I’m Lindsey House, I am a dietitian & Personal Trainer turned accountability coach. I always heard my clients saying “I know what to do, I just need to do it”, so I’ve made it my personal mission to help individuals take action. While taking action, we get to see other exciting results, such as:

**Letting go of the all-or-nothing mentality (overcoming perfectionism)

**Getting off the sidelines in life and feeling energetic enough to participate

**Decreasing joint soreness to enjoy something as big as travel and small as playing on the floor with grandkids

I’d be honored to be invited on a personal health journey with you & be part of the accountability dream team!






#directionnotperfection #rewritetherules #healthaccountabilitycoach