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As 2021 comes to end many of us will celebrate the start of 2022 with a toast.  What you choose to toast with could make a huge impact on your life.  Karolina Rzadkowolska is with me today to suggest that you make that beverage nonalcoholic and change your mindset about drinking. You will be amazed to see what you are capable of without alcohol weighing you down.  


This is where most of you will tune out or turn off this podcast because you don’t have a “drinking problem” and this must be meant for alcoholics.   But her message is not directed at heavy drinkers or alcoholics.  It is directed at casual drinkers who over-indulge.  They don’t need to ask themselves if they have a drinking problem, but they should ask “is my drinking helping me reach my goals in business, health, fitness or any area of my life”?   Intrigued? Stay Tuned…

Happy Podcast Friday! Welcome to Episode 156: Euphoric - Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You with Karolina Rzadkowolska! We have two celebrations today … we get to bring in 2022 together as well as celebrate Karolina’s Euphoric book release!! This book will live on my shelves and Karolina will stay plugged into my ears through her podcast Euphoric. This topic intrigued me… I truly believe in her passion behind ‘bridging the gap’ for individuals who want to talk about reducing alcohol without having to be put into one or two camps of either your an “alcoholic” OR a total “non drinker” … there is a grey area that needs attention and I’m so excited to introduce you to this topic today! 


Karolina took a 30-day break from drinking and she felt better, had more energy and slept better than when she was drinking.  She tried to go back to just having a drink to be social, but she didn’t like the way she felt afterwards, either physically or mentally.  She stopped drinking completely and realized that it wasn’t a deprivation experience, it was the best thing that ever happened to her.  It helped her physical health, her mental health, her sense of confidence and drive.  Her life exploded in the best possible way in just a few months.  She changed the direction of her life. and she wants to make others aware of the benefits of an alcohol-free life.  


Karolina became a certified alcohol-free life coach.  She wants to” help women make alcohol insignificant in their lives and make space for their bigger dreams”.  She has written a book that will be released January 4, 2022, called Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You.  In it she will give you the “tools you need to transform your relationship with alcohol and lose your desire to drink”.

Tune in today to hear Karolina’s story and learn about her new book. Pre-order before January 4th by using the link below and get free resources.  Look into coaching by Karolina or check out her podcast about alcohol free life on her website.   Change your relationship with alcohol and access your full potential.


Find more at Direction Not Perfection":

IG: @houselifestyles