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This week on the pod we have Dylan Carpenter, host of the podcast Rich Ad Poor Ad and Founder/CEO of agency Koality Media.  Dylan has experience working with Fortune 500 companies and spent over $15 million on Facebook/IG ads.

Today, he’s here to chat about the brick and mortar opportunity, what local businesses can be doing to grow, and what’s happening in the ad space.

Stick around for value bombs on: 

💣 Local campaigns vs. eCommerce campaigns

💣 Why it all comes down to creative

💣 Tips for local businesses

💣 Why you should think twice before trying to hack the algorithm 

💣 A chatbox restaurant hack

Take a listen to the full pod for Dylan’s plans for 2021, angel investing, his response to iOS 14, his crypto tips, and the wildest gift he’s received 🐢.

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