Welcome to "Popping the Influencer Bubble" the podcast that dives deep into the world of influencers, shedding light on those who are de-influencing their followers and the PR nightmares that have rocked the social media landscape. In an era dominated by the allure of online personalities, it's crucial to examine the less glamorous side of influencer culture.

Join Digital PR students Sydney Pendergast, Kaylie Norris, and Sunny Weisenberger as we unravel the stories of influencers who, intentionally or unintentionally, are de-influencing their audiences.

In addition, we'll dissect the PR nightmares that have been proven through the social media realm. From ill-conceived marketing campaigns to controversial statements and actions, we'll explore the fallout and consequences that influencers face from the Kardashians to Family Vloggers, and how they become the center of public scrutiny.