Jude Anderson runs a photography business that she started on her own and has built a strong business with a large clientele. The podcast talks about how she got started, what the business entails and how she markets herself in this digital age. She started with a lot of marketing skills that have helped her with starting and growing her business.

For those who do not know boudoir photos are tasteful pictures of women in lingerie that are done artistically and put in a nice album or wall art. She also does family portraits and weddings with all three being an option on her company's website.

She has over 1,500 hundred friend on her personal Facebook page. Her Boudoir Group page for her business has 1.4 thousand members and her other page for all the other photography options has over two thousand followers. She talks about how a good product matters and reviews can hurt or help. Her clients, if happy, can do most of the marketing for her business as she relies on word of mouth.

Links to Lovely Ink Creative pages