Katia Rodriguez
Public relation major from Chicago. I am the Director of Communication and Marketing for Undergraduate Student Government as well as the President of the Spanish and Latino Student Association at Kent State University.
Public relations major from Pittsburgh area. I am the Special Events Coordinator for Kent State’s chapter of PRSSA
Topic: TikTok Algorithm and the For You Page
How would you explain the For You Page on Tiktok?
The first page people see on the app.
Endless scrolling of videos that pertain to you
Entails user interaction
First page to be seen
A feed that is made specifically for you to enjoy a better experience
Can interact with viewers and creators in real time

What does your for you page look like?
Very liberal - political humor
Trending dances
Food Tiktok -
Prison Tiktok
Twist candles
The wiggies
Mental health awareness
Extremely liberal
Feminist movements
Black Lives Matter
Related to books I read
Trending dances/jokes
Myers Briggs Personality(I’m ENFP-T:))
How can you work the algorithm to your favor?
Did you personally like Tiktok before you figured out how to work the algorithm?
Katia: Personally took me a little bit to like my for you page
Got a lot of Charli and Addison at first and was not for me
Did not get how people were obsessed with it until I took more time to figure out the algorithm
Arianna: I had to kind of cheat the system to get exactly what I wanted
Got a lot of feed from tik toks my friends would send me
Did not understand the app and thought it was silly at first
Favorite part of the app outside of the for you page?
Katia: I love the comments
Arianna: I love the reactions from everyone in the comments and being able to relate to other viewers in real time
Do you think Reels will take over TikTok?
No because Reels incorporate mostly Tik Toks today

How do you think Tik Tok has brought the world closer during the pandemic?

The world has felt pretty isolates
Loss of communication and outreach to other people
Young adults losing social interaction
Do you think other apps will adopt aspects of Tik Tok?
In order to relate they should collab
Learn from the algorithms