Bel and Bryan look at Whole Foods' blog to find out how it helps their consumers, their brand and the business. To start, there are many ways a blog can help any business. Blogs create organic content that helps you tailor the audience you bring to your website, build trust with consumers, build traffic to your website and most importantly helps your website's search engine optimization. New page URLs rank you higher on Google's search results as the search engine has more information about your website to sift through and lead consumers to.

Whole Foods' blog does a great job of making organic content their consumers will want to click on. They take problems consumers have brought to their attention and answer questions they might have. This is solving the problem and engaging the consumer in a fun way. They're also reaching potential consumers with targeted content. Blog posts like their food guides provide content tailored for their audience like vegan cheese and 9 ways to add plants to your routine.

Why Business Blogging Works -

Whole Foods blog -

The truth about farmed salmon -

How to Not Kill Your Succulent -

Food Guides -

9 Ways to Add Plants to Your Routine -

Vegan Cheese -

Vegan Beauty Products -