Proper onboarding for new clients is essential! Not only to make sure projects run smoothly from the beginning, but to cement a solid client relationship from the get-go. But it's no secret that this process can take a massive amount of time!

The key, of course, is automating our client onboarding process. By automating basic, required tasks, you will be amazed at how much time you save. I hear from my clients over and over again how much they LOVE my client onboarding process. So much so that many of my clients hire me to create their onboarding process! In this episode, I share my eight steps for onboarding new clients. I encourage you to customize them to your needs, but this is what works for me!

Offer a consultation: A free phone call sets the foundation of your potential relationship.Send a welcome kit: A well-built welcome kit should introduce your new client to you in an easily-digestible fashion.Get that e-signature: Use a system like DocuSign that's easy for you and your client to collect required signatures.Make payments easy: You need to get paid for your work, so it's vital to make paying you as seamless as possible.Follow up: Sometimes, clients fall off the radar (or seem to!), so keep in touch to keep them engaged.Kick-off call: Dig deep into your client's business needs, strengths, and weaknesses so you know precisely how you can help them.Manage your projects: Proper use of a project management system will keep you on track and ensure everything gets done on time.Track your time: Once you're on the clock, make sure you're really on the clock, by accurately tracking your project time.

Links for this episode:

Vcita SchedulingDocusignHarvest Time & Invoicing ManagementTeamwork Project ManagementPortfolioDigital Marketing Made Simple Podcast Community on FacebookBlog: How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media MarketingDownload: 8 Steps to Automating Your Client Onboarding

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