As a small business owner, I've faced countless difficulties throughout my career and made my share of mistakes along the way. Since the next best thing to learning from your own mistakes is learning from someone else's, I decided to share some of the biggest mistakes I've made in my 20 years of running Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services. The good thing is that I now know how to learn from those mistakes. But trust me, that wasn't easy!

Today I will revisit several of these situations and share the lessons I learned along the way! Here are some highlights of what you'll find this week:

My wake-up call to hire my own Virtual Assistant
Ironically, despite being a Virtual Assistant and knowing how helpful it is for business owners to rely on my help, I told myself for years that I didn't need a VA of my own. Instead, I would keep trying to do everything myself, no matter how unsustainable it was. Eventually, I took my own advice and saw my business thrive.

Growing my team
Along the lines of hiring a Virtual Assistant, my resistance to hiring team members was also holding me back. Just because I CAN do every part of a project by myself doesn't mean I should, even if there was an unlimited amount of time in the day. By learning where and when to delegate, I've been able to serve my clients better and get my life back.

Putting off my health and well-being
If you're a workaholic like me, you know how easy it is to get wrapped up in work and put off things like exercise. I fell into this trap, causing no shortage of adverse effects on my life and health. I had to experience this as a reminder that yes, you really need to consistently take care of yourself for many reasons. Staying healthy—besides the obvious benefits—even will benefit your work life. Getting back into my routine was one of the best things I ever did for myself.

View complete details on my blog post!

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