Everyone is different and we all want to feel like individuals. With email marketing that can be really hard. We have one big list and everyone gets the same emails. This week on the show my guests are Rob and Kennedy from Response Suite and we’re talking about segmenting, surveys, magic, mind-reading and hypnosis.

About Rob and Kennedy

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a hypnotist and a psychological mind reader used their skills for sales and marketing? No? Of course you haven’t. But that’s the unusual recipe for Rob and Kennedy’s success.

Sporting hairstyles that look like comic-book characters and backgrounds in psychology, hypnosis, and show-business – it’s hard to believe they’re serial entrepreneurs with an uncanny knack for building businesses by getting inside of customers’ heads.

Hosts of The Email Marketing Show podcast, founders of the revolutionary survey platform ResponseSuite and two of the most dynamic speakers on email marketing in the world.

Rob and Kennedy's website : https://www.emailmarketingheroes.com/


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