Who are you and what do you do? It’s a question that can trigger a mental tailspin. If you struggle to stand out then maybe you need to think about picking a niche.  

It’s hard to be everyone’s favourite and niching down can trigger a lot of doubt, anxiety and resistance.  

This week my guest is Amy Caiger and Amy helps business owners work through the process of working out who they want to be and who they’re for.  

About Amy Caiger

I’m Amy and I’ve worked in marketing for over 15 years, working with large public facing organisations where brands are very important as they have a rep to protect (and staff to get on the same page!), and small businesses who want to be heard above the noise but don’t know where to start.

Numerous campaigns, projects and programmes later I now help solopreneurs get clear on their niche. Helping them stand out from the crowd and attract more A-list clients.

Whatever stage you’re at with your business, I’m here to help you clear the confusion, get you confident with your business and take your business to the next level.

amycaiger.com & @amycaigerbiz