Creating and maintaining a healthy company culture requires intention. It takes a clear mission, vision and values. Not the corporate poster, phoned-in version of a mission, but rather a well thought out and fluid document that grows with you. However, there’s a guardian at the gate, one that stands in the way of cohesion and leads to a toxic work environment.

This saboteur is multi-layered and often invisible because it is internal.
Change and the sense of fear and loss around that change often creates a sense that change equals loss, and when there’s loss there are winners and losers.

So, what are you to do about it? Find out in today’s episode.

What you’ll hear in this podcast:

The smaller your team is the easier it is to pass down the company culture around the water cooler or around the conference table. This begins to get more challenging when there are more people, more shifts, and more locations.

Clear intention is needed to grow and scale Keeping a clear mission, vision and values will help guide your business choices There is always a context to your relationships (see episode 25) As companies grow there is the idea that you want to maintain the character of the organization, this can be done but you need to allow for the flexibility and influence of other’s so that the company can grow and evolve An organization as a whole is really a living organism made up of the individual leaders and founders A fixed-mindset can cripple an organization especially one that needs to deal with change In order to get the most out of an employee or team member, you must allow them to flourish In order to flourish, they must have ‘psychological safety’ and is safe for interpersonal risk-taking Fear of retribution will hold people back When you have a clear mission vision and value statement it communicates why the organization exists Your value statement informs employees what behaviors are non-negotiable for team members Boundaries must be clearly articulated and upheld Boundaries are informed by the context of the relationship Only verbalizing these things makes them visible Free Resources:


Natalie GingrichEpisode 25 Context is Everything

Secret gift in Every Emotion

Shelli warren episodes

Books mentioned;

Leadership on the line,

Fierce Conversations,

5 dysfunctions of a team



“Making an impact takes risks”

“What gets verbalized gets visible”

“What was once impossible will become easy”

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