What is the connection between effective communication and sales? Even though you might not have given it much thought, you have to agree that the two are inexplicably linked! What could possibly be more vital to a successful salesperson than good communication skills? We are diving deep today with my expert guest, so this could be the show that helps you elevate your communication skills!

Nikki Rausch is a seasoned sales guru with decades of success behind her. She is the founder and CEO of Sales Maven, a company dedicated to authentic selling----and the keyword there is AUTHENTIC. Without authenticity, you can’t create a good rapport with clients and potential clients. Nikki brings her experience in selling to such prestigious organizations as NASA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Hewlett-Packard. One of her most interesting skills is her master’s certification in neuro-linguistic programming. This gives her amazing insight into perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques that lead people to change their thoughts and actions. In today’s conversation, Nikki shares real-life examples of how damaging a triggered reaction can be, especially for your business. We talk about communication techniques that you can employ TODAY, along with some great resources available from Nikki.

What you’ll hear in this episode:

Neuro-linguistic programming: What is it and how does it relate to business and sales? Picking up on the patterns we use in our regular communication with others From Nikki’s email newsletter—Hear the example of engaging with a salesperson who was missing the point, from “Take What’s Offered” What to do when the perfectionist controller tries to exert their control over your time and money An example of a negative triggered reaction between two women entrepreneurs (The lesson: take your cues from your clients) When a salesperson and potential client are NOT a good match Everything impacts the way you perceive and whether you can be an effective communicator Nikki’s #1 way to overcome the buying signal of “I’m just not into it”---invite them to do business with you Triggered reactions are NOT always negative (Nikki shares an example of a positive triggered reaction that started out in a negative way) How to handle a negative triggered reaction: Employ “selective amnesia” and begin again Stand in your place of credibility and confidence When you need to use “opposite to action,” and do the opposite of what you feel like doing Why high stakes, high stress, and high conflict are the norm for sales and many other fields Learning to add flexibility to your behavior and reactions Why Nikki started the Sales Maven


Nikki’s website: www.yoursalesmaven.com

Nikki’s email: [email protected]

Get Nikki’s FREE gift for listeners, a 7-minute video training on Navigating Difficult Conversations: www.yoursalesmaven.com/lc-dh

 Show Intro music is Whispering Through by Asura