Benefits of exercise for those who are newly diagnosed, or in recovery and survivorship from cancer treatment is our topic on this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast. My guests, Karen Wonders, PhD, FACSM and Jay K. Harness, MD, FACS from the Maple Tree Cancer Alliance discuss the many benefits and program for exercise oncology developed by Dr. Wonders for Maple Tree.

Dr. Wonders is the Founder and CEO of Maple Tree Cancer Alliance. This nonprofit organization provides free exercise training to thousands of cancer survivors across the globe in clinical settings. Karen utilized her years of education, research, training, and observing cancer patients who benefitted from exercise and shares evidence-based information and studies demonstrating the many benefits of exercise oncology.

Dr. Jay Harness is the Chief Medical Officer of Maple Tree. He also hosts Breast Cancer Answers® on his dedicated YouTube channel. An accomplished breast surgeon and past president of the American Society of Breast Surgeons, he provides the medical expertise and research so essential to the Maple Tree Cancer Alliance mission.