There are thousands of people diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Some have a great desire to stay connected to a community they really never thought or wanted to be part of. But so often, friends are made, bonds are formed and there is a feeling of wanting to give back. The world of patient advocacy is broad. You can take a deep dive and spend a lot of time or choose to be a patient advocate in small ways. We guide you through this thought process on this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast.

My two guests know a lot about the world of patient advocacy. Sandi Sanford and Denise M. Barlow have been with the Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation for a number of years. Through their advocacy work they have met other individuals and organizations that have broadened their network and ability to help others in the breast cancer and cancer community.

Both survivors, they know first-hand the value of patient advocacy. We speak about their firsthand experiences. We share the following resources for others who may be interested in in exploring the possibility of participating as a patient advocate. There is also a link to apply for the Alamo Advocate Program Scholarship

AACR: American Association for Cancer Research

Alamo Advocate Program Scholarship: Application URL

National Breast Cancer Coalition: NBCC Project LEAD

San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: SABCS 2022