Typically I write my take-aways here but I'm going to let Ashlee speak for herself.  Ashlee has quickly become one of my favorite people! (You can't help but encouraged and inspired by her story)

My name is Ashlee and I’m the owner of Ashlee Fay Designs Which is now like a shopping network... but it didn’t start off that way. 2.5 years ago I hit a Financial rock bottom of -$54. When is at down to pay bills I broke that day and prayed, I felt like God was telling me to go all in on my side gig (tumblers, shirts, bows) I reluctantly decided to try. I didn’t want to be in production forever but I felt like God was telling me that He had a plan. So I gave it everything I had. I did live sales weekly and we started to make $. But I still didn’t feel fulfilled.  One night someone asked me during a live how I got started and I began to tell them how I had made things for a decade- but I heard God say no tell them about -$54  With tears rolling I told them and I went to bed thinking I had ruined everything. The next day I woke up to tons of messages from women telling me how they felt made for more but were stuck. It was a light bulb moment for me in realizing I wanted to share my story and help other women realize their worth.   Today We have multiple warrior women that do live sales on this page and they all have a beautiful story to share to help inspire and give hope and courage. Please help them to continue to spread this and follow their passions  I love doing speaking events to teach on Facebook lives and sharing your story and I have a podcast (Embrace Your Ambition), an academy to help women start their business, and a journal on Amazon.   Now you see 54 on everything we do because it’s our sign of faith  I let God into the business and things changed for me.   I feel incredibly blessed that the women on this page took a chance on me.  And for you customers/ followed that have formed such an amazing tribe that is allowing me to be part of your journey  I am beyond blessed to have all of you as customers, followed, an army!  You have been such a giant part of this!  You have helped to give me life  No more surviving- I am living and I can’t thank you enough for helping me do that!   From -54 to 6 figures seems impossible  But GOD can and will build something out of nothing

Connect with Ashley Here: 



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