Inside this episode, Karen and I talk about the overwhelm that can happen when you set too many goals.  She talks through her process of choosing a simple focus and how every day is a new beginning.

See Karen's bio at the bottom of the notes and connect with her below


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Karen Vincent is the owner and CEO of Karen Vincent Solutions. She is a certified life coach, a certified health coach, a certified integrative nutrition coach, a licensed mental health therapist, and a motivation expert. She works with busy women who have poured all their energy into their careers and others, at the expense of their own health, weight, happiness, relationships, and overall life fulfillment. Karen focuses a lot on goal setting and mindset and helping women get the results they want in their lives, even if they have not been successful in the past. Karen also focuses a lot on helping her clients create positive habits that help support the goals they wanting to achieve.


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P.S. Don't forget to check out the Shift Intensive Minicourse that starts Jan 17th -