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Dewey Bertolini's podcast

643 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago - ★★★★★ - 49 ratings

By harmonizing the four Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- we will study the life of Christ in chronological order, from the first utterances of the angels heralding His birth, to His crucifixion and resurrection. It is our sincere hope and expectation that as we immerse ourselves in Jesus' life and ministry, we will fall more deeply in love with Him, and become more and more like Him.

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Jesus in HD (Part 173) -- Demystifying the End Times (Part 3)

July 17, 2016 20:33 - 1 hour - 57.9 MB

Picture him there, a grizzled, stooped, aged apostle, marooned on an island of rock, confined to a cave. See him in your mind’s eye, with quill to parchment, writing fast and furiously in a mad dash to record everything that he is now seeing and hearing. Our old (and at the time of his writing Revelation) very old friend, the beloved apostle John. Writing, as you will hear in this PODCAST, what sounds like fantastical tale in specific, yet an all-too-plausible scenario in the abstract....

Jesus in HD (Part 172) -- Demystifying the End Times (Part 2)

July 10, 2016 17:34 - 49 minutes - 45.6 MB

“Watch out that no one deceives you.” As you will hear in this PODCAST, given the wild-eyed speculations with which Christian community has historically been bombarded regarding all-things prophecy-related, Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 give us a good warning indeed. A warning which explains why we want to take a sober, strictly-biblical look at what Jesus taught in Matthew 24 - 25 about His Second Coming and the end of the age. Let me remind you that we are now on Tuesday of Jesus’ final w...

Jesus in HD (Part 171) -- Demystifying the End Times (Part 1)

July 03, 2016 20:06 - 1 hour - 56.3 MB

I can’t tell you how excited I am in this PODCAST to break the seal on this, Jesus’ walk through the remainder of human history as we know it. It’s typically referred to as the Olivet Discourse because Jesus gave this prophetic panorama while sitting on the Mount of Olives, immediately to the East of Jerusalem, right across the Kidron Valley from the glorious Temple. One of the most breathtaking vistas in all the world. This is Tuesday of Jesus’ final week. On Sunday, Jesus rode into J...

Jesus in HD (Encore #16) -- One Mother's Lament

June 26, 2016 17:30 - 47 minutes - 43.6 MB

One more week of camp. So one more Encore Podcast. My heart goes out to Mother Mary. Her name means “Bitterness.” Sadly, and quite frankly, in many ways Mary lived up to her name.  Being the mother of Jesus was no small task. One that she fulfilled with great dignity. But boy did she face her challenges. In this PODCAST, we will gaze upon a Scriptural snapshot of Mary unlike anything you have ever seen before. Not only that, but we will encounter Jesus in His darkest hour, second onl...

Jesus in HD (Encore #15) -- Money Matters

June 19, 2016 17:30 - 1 hour - 58.9 MB

I’m off doing my camp speaking thing. (I sure would appreciate your prayers: for me, but especially for the campers who are stuck having to listen to me for the week. But I digress.) Anyway, in this PODCAST, you will learn one singularly simple concept which, if you take it to heart, will change your life forever. It is my sense that in contemporary Christian culture in America, we have lost sight of the elegant simplicity spoken of in the New Testament. And consequently, we have lost s...

Jesus in HD (Part 170) -- When "THIS Mountain" Moves

June 12, 2016 17:53 - 56 minutes - 51.3 MB

To be perfectly honest with you, the passage here in Matthew 21 is coming -- for me,at least -- at just the right time. And perhaps for you as well. Given the current political climate in our beloved country, and the increasing despair that I have felt as the presidential primary season has now concluded, I so desperately need to hear my own message, courtesy of Jesus. Jesus assured His disciples, “Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” As you will hear in thi...

Jesus in HD (Part 169) -- THE House

June 05, 2016 16:38 - 50 minutes - 46.7 MB

Welcome to Monday of Jesus’ last week, His Passion week, the final few days leading up to His coming crucifixion. As you will hear in this PODCAST, At the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, way back in John 2 (Podcast #21), Jesus cleansed the Temple for the first time. Now here in Mark 11, at the very end of His ministry, Jesus cleansed the Temple for the second time. A display of uncharacteristic anger, rare to be sure. But a shocking display of anger nonetheless. Quite out of character...

Jesus in HD (Part 168) -- Behold the Lamb

May 29, 2016 18:51 - 52 minutes - 48.3 MB

There is a beautiful and breathtaking symmetry to the life and ministry of Jesus. Case in point, as you will hear in this PODCAST, here in John 12, the beloved disciple brings us full circle. You may not see that now. But trust me, you will by the time we conclude this discussion. Let me give you one tantalizing little hint: This beautiful symmetry to which I refer has little to do with palm branches, but everything to do with lambs. Now watch this: When John introduced us to Jesus for...

Jesus in HD (Part 167) -- This Your Day

May 22, 2016 18:36 - 1 hour - 55.1 MB

You talk about a collision of conflicting emotions, welcome to Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into His beloved city of Jerusalem. As you will hear in this PODCAST, all of this emotional turmoil will come to a climax as Jesus paused during His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, gazed longingly at breathtaking panorama, and then suddenly sang this song of lament: “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day.” This your day. The obvious question: What was it about this day that caused Je...

Jesus in HD (Part 166) -- The Worst of the Worst of the Worst

May 15, 2016 16:49 - 54 minutes - 49.4 MB

The Apostle John turned out to be quite the lyricist. One could almost sing some of his melodious verses. In fact, many of us have. As you will hear in this PODCAST, John wasn’t a scholar, not by any stretch of imagination. Quite unlike the Apostle Paul, for example. John engaged in virtually no complex doctrinal discussions involving the nuances of theology, the kinds of stuff in which Paul reveled. John’s Greek is so simplistic that 1 John is invariably the first book every 1st-year ...

Jesus in HD (Part 165) -- "I Want to See."

May 08, 2016 17:30 - 54 minutes - 49.5 MB

Meet Blind Bartimaeus, a man who seems at first blush to be nothing more than a bit player in this most dramatic and poignant moment. As you will hear in this PODCAST, this wasn’t the first time that Jesus healed a blind man. Nor is this the first time we have talked about Jesus healing a blind man. Last November, Podcast 141, comes to mind. So I would totally understand if you were tempted to bring to this story a sense of “been there, done that,” Déjà vu all over again. Like, if you’ve s...

Jesus in HD (Part 164) -- So Near, and Yet So Far

May 01, 2016 16:30 - 1 hour - 55.7 MB

You could call this story an epic “Opportunity Lost.” You talk about a guy presented with a once-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity, an opportunity that he squandered. An opportunity that he squandered Badly.And.Sadly. As you will hear in this PODCAST, we're talking about an offer rarely made, and shockingly dismissed. A young man who burst on the scene like a blazing comet streaking overhead, only to flame out and fall out of the sky to come crashing and burning to earth. What a story! O...

Jesus in HD (Part 163) -- "From That Time On..."

April 24, 2016 20:01 - 1 hour - 58.9 MB

John 11:53 (NLT) is a most remarkable statement. It reads, “So from that time on, the Jewish leaders began to plot Jesus’ death.” As you’ll hear in this PODCAST, I’ll tell you exactly to what John refers with the phrase, “From that time on…” Again, this is most remarkable. But before we get to that, consider this: It is, in my humble estimation, the Single.Most.Misunderstood parable in the entire New Testament. No exaggeration. The parable to which I refer is most commonly entitled, “The ...

Jesus in HD (Part 162) -- "Jesus Wept"

April 17, 2016 21:49 - 48 minutes - 44.7 MB

If last week’s discussion revealed to us the iconic image of the heart of Jesus, this week’s PODCAST will unveil to us the iconic image of the humanness of Jesus. The beloved Apostle John wrote this in the first chapter of his Gospel masterpiece: “Jesus became human and made his home among us.” Paul wrote this to his beloved little community of Christ-followers in Philippi: “Though he was God…  Jesus became completely human.” Here in John 11, we will see just how completely human Jesus tr...

Jesus in HD (Part 161) -- A Fox in the Henhouse

April 10, 2016 17:37 - 53 minutes - 48.7 MB

As you will hear in this PODCAST, there is No.Clearer.Picture in all of the Bible of the heart of God towards sinners -- I’m talking the hardest of hardhearted sinners -- than this one right here in Luke 13. A Scriptural snapshot that will go a long way to defining your biblical view of God and your biblical understanding of Jesus, both as a man and as God. If you think of the Bible as a picture book, Luke paints for us a portrait of Jesus that is, quite frankly, irresistible, and most ref...

Jesus in HD (Part 160) -- Are You Ready for This?

April 04, 2016 13:00 - 1 hour - 57.3 MB

It’s called in our culture a “sea-change,” an idiom first introduced by Shakespeare in his play, The Tempest. A cultural cliché that refers to “a substantial or significant transformation.” A sea-change. As you will hear in this PODCAST, here in Luke 12, we are about to witness a sea-change. A substantial or significant transformation in the focus of Jesus’ ministry and message.  Jesus’ words were for the disciples sadly stunning. For them, these words represented the death of a dream. ...

Jesus in HD (Part 159) -- The Man Who Crucified Jesus

March 28, 2016 13:00 - 45 minutes - 41.4 MB

There is a forgotten figure in the Crucifixion-Resurrection drama. A remarkable man who came to a most-remarkable conclusion. As you will hear in this PODCAST, I am referring to the Roman officer who actually crucified Jesus. At the conclusion of the crucifixion, this Roman officer -- who had literally just killed Christ -- made this stunning statement: “This man truly was the Son of God!” Now, I have to ask the questions: How in the world did he come to this conclusion? This Roman? This...

Jesus in HD (Part 158) -- What Does It Feel Like to be God?

March 21, 2016 12:30 - 47 minutes - 43.7 MB

We are, as you well know, engaged in a fascinating election cycle -- one that I have been following with great interest. Last week, one prominent commentator told of the time when, shortly after the swearing-in of a relatively recent President, he asked him, “What does it feel like to be President?” His answer, in case you are interested, was this: “I suddenly realized that everything I say will profoundly affect something somewhere in the world.” As you will hear in this PODCAST, that qu...

Jesus in HD (Part 157) -- Heavenly Chutzpah

March 14, 2016 12:30 - 1 hour - 55.3 MB

It’s been a tough week for our country. Riots at political rallies. An increasingly course discourse. Much angst in the world. And I know you are feeling it. Well, consider this PODCAST to be a bright and beautiful shot of much-needed adrenaline to your system, some refreshing encouragement from Jesus’ heart to yours. Let's begin our discussion with this: It is one of the most precious, and quite frankly priceless privileges in the entire Bible. I am referring to the one verse that concl...

Jesus in HD (Part 156) -- The Most Profound Principle of Prayer I Have Ever Learned

March 07, 2016 14:00 - 1 hour - 56.5 MB

This week, I have been reading a fascinating book of historical fiction entitled, The Robe, by Lloyd C. Douglas. As you will hear in this PODCAST, in the book Douglas records a conversation between Marcellus, son of a Roman Senator who has fallen out of favor with Emperor Tiberias, and Marcellus’ slave, Demetrius. The conversation goes like this: 'Demetrius'—Marcellus swept the sky with an all-inclusive arm—'do you ever believe in the gods?' 'If it is my master's wish, I do,' replied D...

Jesus in HD (Part 155) -- The Very.Best.Thing

February 29, 2016 14:00 - 54 minutes - 49.8 MB

Get ready for a well-deserved pat on the back, and a hearty, “Well done!” In addition to that, welcome to Luke’s heartwarmingly endearing introduction of two precious women: Martha and her sister Mary. As you are about to hear in this PODCAST, this delightful little story now brings us full circle in our discussion of the Return of the Seventy from their very first mission’s trip. You might remember that while debriefing their by-all-accounts exuberantly successful experience, Jesus re...

Jesus in HD (Part 154) -- The Parable of the Despised Samaritan

February 22, 2016 14:00 - 1 hour - 58.7 MB

It’s universally called “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Universally, that is, except where Jesus is concerned. As you will hear in this PODCAST, if Luke 10:33 in the NLT is any indication, Jesus would have most likely entitled this, “The Parable of the Despised Samaritan.” A title which goes to the heart of this story, really. Something that I need for you to feel as you listen, and to feel it deeply. For if not, this parable completely loses its punch. Forget about shifting a...

Jesus in HD (Part 153) -- The Stage is Set!

February 15, 2016 14:00 - 47 minutes - 43.1 MB

Jesus was happy. Truly, genuinely happy. Which, if you think about it, and as you will hear in this PODCAST, is a most remarkable statement. As you know, and as we have chronicled over the now 3½ years of this Jesus in High Definition study, Jesus was (to quote Isaiah): "despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." Never will that become so heartrendingly obvious as in the days immediately preceding His crucifixion. You want to talk about HD, we’ll soon se...

Jesus in HD (Part 152) -- Forcing the Devil to Flee

February 08, 2016 14:00 - 52 minutes - 48.2 MB

It is, without a doubt, one of the most precious truths in all of the Bible. From the lips of Jesus Himself to the seventy upon their return from their first mission’s trip, in this PODCAST you will hear Him say, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.” Fact: Satan is a fallen foe. Fact: The devil has been defeated. As we have discussed for the past two weeks, Fact: Satan is not losing the war; he has already lost it. There is a day coming, sooner rather than later, wh...

Jesus in HD (Part 151) -- Slamming the Door Shut on Satan

February 01, 2016 14:00 - 1 hour - 63.4 MB

Last week, when talking about Jesus watching Satan fall from heaven, we were encouraged by the fact that Satan is a defeated foe. As you will be reminded in this week’s PODCAST, Satan isn’t losing the war; he has already lost it. Be that as it may, however, the devil is winning his share of battles, and the destruction he causes is painful in the extreme. Of all of the names of Satan I shared with you last week, of which there are many in the Bible, arguably the most personally trouble...

Jesus in HD (Part 150) -- Lightning Strike

January 25, 2016 14:00 - 41 minutes - 38.3 MB

You and I are embroiled in a cosmic collision of good and evil, a spiritual war that is taking place in real time, in the present tense, on a scale of epic proportions. As you are about to hear in this PODCAST, there can be no doubt in any thinking person’s mind that this war is real, and that it has a profound affect upon our world and our lives. Even an atheist who denounces the existence of God as a delusion, the reality of Satan as a myth, and the authority of Scripture as a collecti...

Jesus in HD (Part 149) -- The Gold Standard of Dynamic Christian Living

January 18, 2016 14:00 - 56 minutes - 52.1 MB

As you are about to hear in this PODCAST, there is IMHO a no more beautiful blessing in all of the Bible than the one we are going to discuss here. I honestly cannot put into words how excited I am for you to listen in. As you are about to hear, Jesus perfectly defined the Gold Standard for dynamic Christian living. Not only that, but He also gave to each of us the highest calling, the loftiest privilege, the grandest purpose statement for our lives. One that makes getting up in the mo...

Jesus in HD (Part 148) -- How to Repair a Broken World

January 11, 2016 13:00 - 57 minutes - 52.8 MB

As I publish this week’s PODCAST, I am brimming with optimism. Whether you realize it or not, we are blessed with a singular privilege: To be alive at this time, in this place, at this precise moment in human history. As you will hear in this study of Luke 10, we have been handed a golden opportunity to fulfill that which is the highest calling that can be bestowed on any human being. Lofty words, those. But words that I believe with all of my heart. After hearing this podcast, I bel...

Jesus in HD (Part 147) -- The Beginning of the End Game

January 04, 2016 14:00 - 51 minutes - 47.1 MB

Luke 10:1 (NKJV) reads, “After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.” In light of that verse, I want to float a theory. My theory is this: Jesus did nothing arbitrarily or randomly. There was purpose behind everything that Jesus did. Including His sending of the 70. So if my theory holds, that Jesus did not send out the 70 randomly or arbitrarily, we are face with two m...

Jesus in HD (Encore 14) -- God, Why Won't You Answer My Prayers?

December 28, 2015 14:00 - 52 minutes - 47.9 MB

Key word for this PODCAST? Expectations. There is nothing more toxic to our faith than when we base our faith on misinformed expectations. More precisely, holding God to expectations that He never intended for us to form; expectations God never committed Himself to fulfill. They say that "confession is good for the soul." OK, here's my confession to you: Every week, when I open the Bible and begin to teach, I keenly, keenly feel my inadequacy. That’s not a me-trying-to-sound-humble state...

Jesus in HD (Part 146) -- The First Noel

December 21, 2015 13:00 - 41 minutes - 38.1 MB

It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful and meaningful of our Christmas carols. As you will hear in this PODCAST, its seven stanzas tell the complete story of Christmas, brilliantly combining both Matthew’s and Luke’s Nativity narratives. The carol to which I refer? The First Noel. The First Noel, the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields as they lay, keeping their sheep, on a cold winter's night that was so deep. Chorus: Noel, Noel, No...

Jesus in HD (Part 145) -- "Let the Reader (or Hearer) Understand!"

December 14, 2015 13:30 - 1 hour - 57.9 MB

Welcome to December. Not our December, even though today’s date is December 13. Which, BTW, is for our Jewish friends the 7th day of Hanukkah. As you will hear in this PODCAST, I’m talking about Jesus’ December, His final December. As John observed in John 10, it was winter, and Jesus was in Jerusalem for what John calls the Feast of Dedication. As we break seal on this story, we are now a mere four months from the crucifixion. When we last left Jesus, He had just healed a man born...

Jesus in HD (Part 144) -- The World's Most Beloved Psalm in High Definition

December 07, 2015 14:00 - 52 minutes - 47.6 MB

Spoiler alert! You will find this PODCAST heartwarming in the extreme. Let me set it up in this way: When Jesus declared “I AM the good shepherd,” He revealed volumes about Himself and where you and I stand with Him. It would not be an overstatement to suggest that contained within those five words are our theology of exactly who God is and what God is like. Most importantly, how we relate to God, and how He relates to us, in His own words, according to His own description of Himself. ...

Jesus in HD (Part 143) -- Gentle Shepherd

November 30, 2015 15:00 - 1 hour - 55.2 MB

Last week, I introduced you ever-so-briefly to the subject of shepherds. This because Jesus drew our attention to all-things sheep-and-shepherd-related when He defined Himself by saying, “I AM the door (gate) of the sheep.” This week, in this PODCAST, we’ll discover together exactly what Jesus meant when He identified Himself as the “door of the sheep.” The important point to remember from last week is this: Life for the shepherd was and is unpredictable and oh-so-difficult. You might ...

Jesus in HD (Part 142) -- Right-Stage Thinking in a Left-Stage World

November 23, 2015 13:30 - 48 minutes - 44.4 MB

You are about to hear an amazing story about a remarkable man, AND an encounter with Jesus that includes one of the most important and practical biblical principles that you will find anywhere in the pages of the Bible. Quite a claim, I know. One that I will absolutely prove in this PODCAST. A principle that I will be presumptuous enough to suggest that you and I need to hear, and of which we need to be reminded, perhaps often. This is on the surface a story about a man born blind (whi...

Jesus in HD (Part 141) -- A Man Born Blind (A 1st-Person Rendition)

November 16, 2015 14:00 - 50 minutes - 46.4 MB

Humanly speaking, he didn’t have a chance on this earth. Until Jesus came along... In this PODCAST, you will meet a man whose deck was decidedly stacked against him. Until Jesus came along… PLEASE do not be tempted to think that because you (thank God!) were not born blind, this story has nothing to say to you today. Truth be told, I cannot think of a more appropriate passage for us to consider together, especially in light of recent events, than this one. Jesus, the master-artist,...

Jesus in HD (Part 140) -- Setting the Record Straight

November 09, 2015 14:00 - 56 minutes - 51.6 MB

Jesus made quite a splash (pun intended) when He stood up at the Feast of Tabernacles to declare to the crowds that He was the source of “living water.” As you are about to hear in this PODCAST, He only added to the drama of this most remarkable moment the very next day when He declared Himself to be the “light of the world.” I mean, you talk about a guy who never failed to polarize a crowd, meet Jesus. The hundreds of thousands of people in that crowd on those days either loved Him or h...

Jesus in HD (Part 139) -- Caught in the Act (A First-Person Rendition

October 26, 2015 12:00 - 45 minutes - 41.4 MB

The Apostle John, whom you will meet up close and personal in this PODCAST, was a man miraculously transformed. Transformed by an unexpected encounter with a woman of questionable character, brought to Jesus by an unlikely group: the leading rabbis of His day. An encounter that John would never forget. An encounter that I am quite confident WE will never forget. As this woman, and Jesus’ reaction to her, changed John’s mind, heart, soul -- John's LIFE -- forever, may it change ours a...

Jesus in HD (Part 138) -- "THE Feast"

October 19, 2015 13:30 - 1 hour - 56.2 MB

In this PODCAST, a new chapter has dawned in our ongoing chronological study of the life and ministry of Jesus. Jesus has just left His beloved Galilee for the last time. He will not return to Galilee until after the Resurrection. A point not to be missed, Jesus left Galilee now in order to be in Jerusalem for the annual Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles. OK, so here's my question: Why in the world did Jesus literally risk an early arrest and possible untimely death in ord...

Jesus in HD (Part 137) -- Forgive and (Don't) Forget

October 12, 2015 13:30 - 1 hour - 57 MB

As you will hear in this PODCAST, in Matthew 18:21, Peter asked a profoundly important question. A question that haunted him. And if we are honest, a question that at times haunts us. Matthew 18:21 reads, “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Can you think of any question that hits us more profoundly right where we live than this one? There is not a one of us who hasn’t been hurt significan...

The Epic (and I Do Mean EPIC) Handoff

October 05, 2015 13:00 - 54 minutes - 49.9 MB

“Epic,” as in Your-Salvation-and-Mine-Rides-or-Falls-on-This. I kid you not. This PODCAST is going to be fun, and so instructive. Instructive on two levels. 1. Instructive as we discover together exactly what Jesus meant here in Matthew 18:18-20. 2. Instructive as we are handed, courtesy of Jesus, an opportunity to learn what to do, and perhaps more importantly, what not to do with the Bible. As you are about to see, we must bring to this passage every interpretive tool in the tool b...

Jesus in HD (Part 135) -- Demystifying Church Discipline

September 28, 2015 13:00 - 55 minutes - 51.1 MB

In this week’s PODCAST, as we continue in our chronological study of the life and ministry of Jesus, we come to Matthew 18:15-17 -- one of the most important passages in all of the New Testament, the so-called “Church Discipline” passage. Church Discipline, a teaching in many local churches that really rose into prominence in the late 1970’s and became quite the trend. I can remember attending church leadership conferences back then and hearing pastors -- I’ll use word “boast” -- of the ...

Jesus in HD (Part 134) -- Jesus LOVES the Little Children

September 21, 2015 13:00 - 54 minutes - 49.8 MB

In this week’s PODCAST, courtesy of the disciples, we get a rare-yet-precious glimpse into the heart of Jesus, the heart of God. A truly remarkable glimpse. An ironic glimpse. Ironic because as you will soon hear, the Gospel writers go to great lengths in this story to show us this side of God’s heart. Yet, it is an aspect of God that is rarely talked about. Inexplicably, it receives scant attention.  But we’ll balance the books in this podcast. And in doing so, tender and heartwarming a...

Jesus in HD (Part 133) -- Vanquishing the Monster Within

September 14, 2015 13:30 - 57 minutes - 52.3 MB

Tell you what…  If you want to see up close and oh-so-personal the heart of Jesus, look no further than this PODCAST’S passage here in Mark 9. You are about to see a side of Jesus that is both breathtaking to behold, and irresistible to consider. A high definition video of Jesus that says so much even though it emerges from one very short story. Perhaps the best place to begin our discussion is here: I love the disciples. I absolutely love the disciples. More to the point, I love how the ...

Jesus in HD (Encore Podcast) -- Jesus Walks the Way of Sorrows

September 07, 2015 14:00 - 50 minutes - 45.9 MB

My friends, get ready to grow some goosebumps as you listen to this PODCAST. While I am away speaking at Hartland Christian Camp (one of my all-time favorite places on this planet) consider this your very own personalized tour, with me as your humble tour guide, as together we travel the storied streets of the Via Dolorosa. A short walk riddled with “Ah Ha” moments, too many to count! Enjoy. And may God bless you richly as you listen. Please note that depending upon your web browser and c...

Jesus in HD (Part 132) -- YOUR "Get Out of Jail Free" Card

August 31, 2015 13:30 - 57 minutes - 52.9 MB

My goal in this PODCAST? Simple: To keep you out of jail.  Yes, this story in Matthew 17 is THAT positively practical. It’s interesting to me that of the four Gospel writers (for reasons that we’ll get into in the podcast), only Matthew records this particular story about (of all things) an obscure Old Testament reference to an otherwise obtuse Moses-mandated responsibility, one that Jesus had apparently overlooked or outright rejected. It’s not surprising to me that Matthew records this....

Jesus in HD (Part 131) -- The Wonder of It All (or if you prefer, Embracing Paradox)

August 24, 2015 13:00 - 58 minutes - 53.4 MB

Believe it or not, there is in the Bible a grand total of (Are you ready?) 31,102 verses. And, as you are about to hear in this PODCAST, of these 31,102 verses, the one verse that best summarizes the state of my relationship with God is this one verse here in Mark 9. In all honesty, this is right where I live.  And, were the truth to be told, I’d be willing to wager that most of us live here too. These words uttered, by the desperate dad in this story, could well be my words, my plea, my...

Jesus in HD (Part 130) -- How to Know God's Will for Your Life

August 17, 2015 12:30 - 1 hour - 56.2 MB

As you are about to hear in this week’s PODCAST, knowing God’s will for you life is far easier than you may have been led to believe. Far easier. Uncomplicated. Abundantly knowable. Readily understandable.  In a word, God WANTS you and me to know His will for our lives. The reason for this discussion this week is the fact that last week I inadvertently created a vacuum.  I made a point last week (not even the main point of the message, but a valid and timely point nonetheless). Last wee...

Jesus in HD (Part 129) -- Remember, Don't Forget

August 10, 2015 13:30 - 55 minutes - 51.2 MB

Defining moments. There aren’t many of these throughout the course of someone’s lifetime. But when they occur, as you will hear in this PODCAST, they are utterly unforgettable. We are talking about game-changing moments; history-altering moments; LIFE-altering moments. Rare snapshots of seminal events, frozen in time, after which your world will never be the same again. Welcome to one such defining moment, courtesy of Jesus, after which the disciples -- three of them -- were never the same...

Jesus in HD (Part 128) -- A Life-Changing Approach to THE Life-Giving Book

August 03, 2015 13:00 - 56 minutes - 52.2 MB

The Bible is THE one and only Life-Giving Book. But how to approach it? In this PODCAST, you will be given the answer to that question! Courtesy of Jesus, we will learn how to read it! With all of its 66 books, printed in minuscule font, with no pictures, strange names, weird customs, unfamiliar geography, violent history, where do we even start? What's the first step? More to the point, what is our connection to this great book? My friends, the answer to that question is startlingly simpl...


Divide and Conquer
1 Episode
The New Testament
1 Episode