It’s called in our culture a “sea-change,” an idiom first introduced by Shakespeare in his play, The Tempest.

A cultural cliché that refers to “a substantial or significant transformation.” A sea-change.

As you will hear in this PODCAST, here in Luke 12, we are about to witness a sea-change. A substantial or significant transformation in the focus of Jesus’ ministry and message. 

Jesus’ words were for the disciples sadly stunning. For them, these words represented the death of a dream.

Yet, for us today, they embody the birth of a dream, our most glorious dream, our greatest hope.

Something to which the New Testament refers as our blessed hope.

The hope that we treasure. The promise of God that represents the only semblance of common sense that remains in this otherwise outrageously, absurdly nonsensical world of ours.

Spoiler Alert: You are in for copious amounts of encouragement.

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God bless you richly as you listen.