Lindsay and Steve discuss Web Workers with Martins Onuoha. They talk about Martins' start in programming, and how he came to love Vue for its simplicity. Martins explains what Web Workers are, when they are useful, and how to integrate them with a Vue application.


Lindsay Wardell
Steve Edwards


Martins Onuoha


Dev Influencers Accelerator


Using Web Workers Vue Applications.
VUE 137: Using Laravel and VueJS in an Enterprise Application |
JSJ 443: All About InertiaJS with Jonathan Reinink - JavaScript Jabber
Laravel Jetstream
Using Web Workers Vue Applications. | Devjavu
vue-worker -npm
GitHub: Martins Onuoha ( MartinsOnuoha )
Twitter: this.OnuohaSef ( @OnuohaOfficial )


Lindsay- Magic: The Gathering
Lindsay- Vue.js Global Summit
Martins- Vue SFC Playground
Steve- icanhazdadjoke

Contact Lindsay

Twitter: Lindsay Wardell ( @lindsaykwardell )

Contact Steve

Twitter: Steve Edwards ( @wonder95 )

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