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David Ceddia

Thomas Aylott

Leslie Cohn-Wein

Lucas Reis

With special guest: Shawn Wang

Episode Summary

Today’s guest Shawn Wang is a career changer starts off the show about how he got from finance to programming. The panel talks about how they each got started in programming. Shawn explains his Learn In Public manifesto. They discuss the benefits of learning in public and how concepts like Cunninham’s Law and lampshading can be a good thing. Shawn talks about the differences between inbound and outbound marketing. The two biggest benefits of learning in public is that people will come to help you, it helps you to build capital, and it os the fastest way to learn. They discuss the balance between sharing too little and oversharing. 

 Leslie brings up some possible safety concerns, and the panel discusses ways to stay safe while learning in public. Ultimately, it’s ok to learn in public and maintain anonymity. They discuss ways to adjust public learning to your comfort zone and how to know when you’ve done well with your public learning. Shawn talks about why he started doing TypeScript and React and the importance of saying thank you to your teachers, which also comes with some unexpected perks. They finish by discussing how to know if people care about what you’re producing. 



Microsoft Excel



Cunningham’s Law


Nerd sniping

Julia Evans cartoons

React Suspense talk by swyx

Lin Clark code cartoons
Lin Clark - A Cartoon Intro to Fiber - React Conf 2017

Samantha Ming

React/TypeScript Cheat Sheet

Learn In Public

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David Ceddia:

Why React Hooks

Thomas Aylott:

Atomic Habits by James Clear 

Lucas Reis:

Tweet from James Clear

Leslie Cohn-Wein:

Storybook Accessibility Add-on

Shawn Wang:

Lizzo’s Juice 

12 Leverage Points

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