Panel: Charles Max Wood

Guest: Tomek Sułkowski

This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Tomek Sułkowski. Tomek was recently on Adventures in Angular on Episode 191 where they talked about UX in Angular. He currently works as a front-end engineer for an app creating company, as well as has been working for Sages running front-end workshops over Angular. He first got into programming when he was in primary school and found a book on the Pascal language and tried to write code in it. They talk about how he got into JavaScript, what drew him to Angular, what he is working on currently, and more!

In particular, We dive pretty deep on:

Adventures in Angular Episode 191
Works for Sages
How did you first get into programming?
Wrote first lines of code in Pascal
Worked with Logo language in secondary school
Confused about which direction he would go with his life/career
Graduated with a degree in Computer Science
Graduated from Music school at the same time as well
Freelancing as a full-stack developer
How did you get into JavaScript?
JavaScript to make his HTML and CSS more “alive”
What drew you to Angular?
Angular vs Ember
What have you done in Angular that you are most proud of?
Tips on Twitter
Angular Schematics
Do you run Angular Playground?
What are you working on currently?
Angular Developer Roadmap
And much, much more!


Adventures in Angular Episode 191
Adventures in Angular
Angular Schematics
Angular Playground
Angular Developer Roadmap
Tomek’s GitHub
Tomek’s Medium


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