
Reuven Lerner

Kai Davis

Jonathan Stark

In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show, Kai, Reuven, and Jonathan discuss outreach to potential clients. Each of the freelancers talk about their strategy for outreach to acquire clients. The discussion covers the pain points of outreach, audience, target market, connecting online or other platforms, stimulating conversation, not coming off as a spammer and many other areas. This is a great episode to learn the best practice for market put reach and building business relationships.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on: 

Reaching out to locate Credit Unions
Online searching
Looking for Chief Marketing Manager
An online place to connect, email, etc.
Goals to not look sleazy
Building a leads list
Outreach via LinkedIn
The value you offer is it worth the time?
Market research
Looking into people who are already doing it
Qualification process
Personalize emails
Value proposition
Getting on their radar
How many people to connect before a response
How long before followup properly
And much more!



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