00:45 - Introducing the Wood brothers and their work

Upgrade Rails
Ben’s Twitter
Joshua’s Twitter

3:05 - Upgrading Rails without breaking it

6:25 - Working with clients with technical debt

12:20 - Frequently seen projects and clients

14:45 - Upgrading clients from older versions of Rails

22:50 - Why do clients push off upgrading?

28:10 - How do you know when it’s time to upgrade?

34:35 - Finding the right clients

Ruby Weekly

37:50 - Avoiding technical debt

Rails Xss gem

40:30 - Upgrading Rails yourself

[email protected]


Suture Gem (Ben)

Debride Gem (Ben)

JRuby Truffle Project by Oracle (Josh)

ThinkPads (Josh)

Honeybadger IO (Josh)

“A Rubyist’s Guide to Big-O Notation” blog post (Josh)

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracey (Brian)

Codefights (Brian)

Basics of Mechanical Engineering by Paul D. Ronney (Jason)

The Demon-haunted World by Carl Sagan (Jason)

Twitter Mentions