02:20 - Introducing Tobias Bosch

03:40 - What does the Compiler do?

05:00 - Compiling in Angular 2

09:15 - Loading templates after using an Angular 2.0 Compiler

10:30 - Just In Time and Ahead Of Time compilations

15:40 - Advantages of the AOT approach

17:40 - Hacker attacks

19:45 - Dynamic scenarios

Component Factory Resolver

21:35 - Functions of the Compiler: Tree shaking

Google Closure Compiler

25:50 - Angular 2.0 Compiler and end modules

26:40 - AOT and sizing

27:40 - Rollup bundles

30:10 - Using RxJs

32:00 - Router outlets and siblings

34:40 - Plans for rolling out features for developers


37:40 - Motivations and driving forces

39:20 - Rendering targets


Ship To Hawaii (Jules)

TensorFlow (Tobias)

Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin book and the PBS Series (Ward)

“Cross Site Request Funkery” talk by Dave Smith (Lukas)

Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming by Brian Lonsdorf (Lukas)

Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz (Joe)

NG Cruise (Joe)

Source Map Explorer (John)

Angular 2.0 Ultimate Workshop (rescheduled) (John)

The 12 Week Year (Charles)

AST Explorer (Joe)

Enter the lottery to win the opportunity to buy a ticket to NG-Conf (Joe)

Call for presenters for NG-Conf will open November 1st (Joe)