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01:41 - Craig McKeachie Introduction

The JavaScript Framework Guide by Craig McKeachie

02:07 - Routing

UI-Router: Why many developers don’t use AngularJS’s built-in router

03:48 - Essential Characteristics of a Router

04:53 - Emphasis on the URL

10:03 - UI Router > Custom Directives, Includes, or ngSwitch

Ember interview with Tom Dale, a Robust Framework
Nested Views / Child Routes

12:06 - Nested Routes

How to make Angularjs nested routes?

15:09 - Boxes: “Boxes in boxes in boxes”


19:44 - Navigation and Code Maintenance

25:28 - Routers in Other Frameworks and the Angular 1.4 Router

The new Router for AngularJS by Rob Eisenberg at ng-europe 2014
Rob Eisenberg: Angular 2.0 Router Scenarios  

27:28 - Page Lifecycle Support

37:44 - State Object

URL Routing

ng-conf News

The Adventures in Angular Crew will be doing a LIVE panel at ng-conf on Friday, March 6th, 2015 during lunchtime at noon!


ng-conf (John)

Angular U (John)

ng-vegas (John)

The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive, Book 1) by Brandon Sanderson (Joe)

Craig McKeache's Blog Post - UI-Router: Why many developers don’t use AngularJS’s built-in router (Ward)

Ira Glass on Storytelling, part 1 of 4 (Ward)

RailsCasts Kickstarter (Chuck)

Developers’ Box Club (Chuck)

Ruby Remote Conf (Chuck)

A Pirate's Adventure ~ Treasures of the Seven Seas (Craig)

The Ginormous Unstoppable Angular Resource List of Angular Resources (Craig)


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