Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand-new episode of Design Your Best Life!

Today, Richard and I come to you with something you've been asking about for the longest time: What we're currently reading!!

Yes yes, we've heard your questions and we're here to answer them! 

If you've given any of our episodes a listen, then you've probably noticed that we read A LOT. We enjoy it, and so, we decided to share our passion with yours.

Plus, we'll be sharing a tip or two on how we read so many books, so, if this is something you're struggling with, this episode is for you!


Key Points Discussed

How to listen to audiobooks (00:55)

What we're reading/listening to right now (04:35)

Why Richard reads multiple books at once (07:12)

The value of books (19:15)

Additional Resources 

Hope you enjoyed that episode! If you did, please give us your honest review on Apple Podcasts… It would mean the world to us!

Join our 5-Day "Get Clarity" Challenge here: http://getclaritychallenge.com

Don’t forget to grab a copy of my book Unstoppable Influence: Be You. Be Fearless. Transform Lives here: https://amzn.to/3f6ELci

Make sure to share, get in touch and follow our social pages here:

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