Hi everyone, and welcome to a brand-new episode of Design Your Best Life.

I am sooo excited about this one, and believe me, you will be too when you listen to it!

But first, let me ask you a question.

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media and comparing your life to the lives of others? Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others?

Is your answer "yes"?

Well then, you're in the right place!

You know what they say: Comparison is the thief of joy. Which is exactly why, today, Richard and I will be discussing how you can avoid the comparison trap.

Plus, we'll be answering a question from the Listener Mailbag; so, if this sounds like your cup of tea (and I know it does), tune in now!


Key Points Discussed

Comparison is the thief of joy (00:49)

Stay in your own damn lane (07:12)

What you see on social media isn't always real (12:02)

Let's take a look at the Listener Mailbag (15:29)

Additional Resources 

Hope you enjoyed that episode! If you did, please give us your honest review on Apple Podcasts… It would mean the world to us!

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Don’t forget to grab a copy of my book Unstoppable Influence: Be You. Be Fearless. Transform Lives here: https://amzn.to/3f6ELci

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