Hosts: Brian Condon, Christopher Schlieper

Today we are talking with 

Niall Maher. CEO & Founder Digital Motorsports at ESE Entertainment

First, Niall, thank you for taking the time to talk with us.

For those who aren’t familiar with the sector, what is the difference between e-sports and real sports and why e-sports is taking off?

What do you say to the idea some might have that e-sports are video games? 

There has been a lot of talk about a metaverse. Some might consider DMS to be a first mover in that space. 

Where does talk of metaverse fit with sim-sports sector?

Can you talk about your inspiration for the DMS brand and the recent history of DMS and ESE?

During the start-up stage what was your office and physical working environment like? (Shared workspaces, remote working, etc?)

Taking the concept of transformation, what do you view as the key milestone moments for DMS and your team as the business grew? 

Do you think the business needed to be connected to a physical racetrack? 

Can you talk to the idea of strategy for the business?

How do the two, racing simulators and real motorcars complement or compete?

Outwardly the physical motor sports industry is community, an entire ecosystem of suppliers and services, aggressively competing and yet cooperating and dependent on each other in various ways.

Can you talk about the technology ecosystem, hardware, and software, and importantly, the community behind it all?

If someone is new to sim-racing and digital motor sports, how do you start?

Do you need a background in motors sports to get into sim-racing?

Well, we’ll wrap up there.

Thank you Niall for sharing your thoughts and experiences today.


Title: Check Them In

Artist: Ema Grace


License: CC BY 4.0

Artist notes: Ema Grace is an AI vocaloid produced by Ryoma MAEDA (@Ryoma_Maeda). Styled as virtual Singer&Idol 架空のバーチャルアイドル & シンガー、それがEma Grace. 

Cover Art 





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