Host(s): Olivia Raines, Kyle Coldrick 

Welcome to the podcast

We are talking with Jack Clark and Matt Obee from NearForm. 

Nearform is an enterprise software development and capability building company, headquartered in Waterford with offices around the world.

You are very welcome to the podcast Jack and Matt. 

Can you tell us a little about yourselves and your roles in NearForm.

1.Can you talk about some tools that anyone can use to evaluate the accessibility of a web page or an app? [run on the Nearform website to show?]

2.Onboarding is a key function for apps and web-services but captcha tests present challenges… [so, for those don’t know, a captcha is…] [why have a captcha, is there good captcha? Implications of WCAG 2.2 and no longer relying on a cognitive function test]

3.Many sites use 3rd party overlays. Does that solve the problem? [so, for those who don’t know, overlays are…] [but no, overlays solve the wrong problem, overlays are a band-aid…]

4.How do you solve the problem when the underlying failures originate in design or engineering?

5.What does it take to establish an accessibility practice within an organisation? [approach to coaching teams, how to practice accessible design in the day-to-day, user communities, diverse employees etc.]

6.Let's talk about some good designs [what I like about X website or Y app…] [a design that I think works well is…]

7.How accessible are game consoles and console controls? [Forza 5 praised for accessibility features] [Special Effect]

8.Is there anything extra you’d like to share before we finish?

Well, we’ll wrap up there.

Thank you for talking with us today.


Special Effects

Everyone Can



(EzaOne - Supernova:

Title: Eza One - Supernova

Artist: Argofox (record label)

Source: “”

License: “CC BY”

Argofox is a record label releasing royalty free music for creators to use in monetized videos and streams in exchange for credit.

Cover Art 

Title: The Driver - Humanscale Blueprint - Space Envelope for a Compact Automobile

Artist: Graphic design by Allen Higgins 

Source: file

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The graphic is under Fair Use and adapted from “Space Envelope for a Compact Automobile” from Humanscale 7/8/9 booklet by Niels Diffrient, Alvin R. Tilley and David Harman; Henry Dreyfuss Associates, M.I.T. Press (1981)

Podcast License

Design Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

The license can be viewed at

By taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.