Previous Episode: Day 149 - Energy Supplier

My mind is busy running over
all of the current activities.
It’s as if I’m living in them
rather than just completing them
and moving on.
I seem to want to hold
it all in my head and
replay the elements over and over again.
Where I did well
or where I messed up.
I shift down a gear
and leave all the daily activity to one side.
Travelling slower, I can plan and organise.
There is more space for thinking here.
It is quieter.
And then I go even slower
and bring the car to a halt.
Leaving all thinking behind.
Sitting quietly by the shore
and looking out to sea.



1. Are you  holding anything in your head to replay over  and over again? 
2. When is your next 'holiday' moment -  when you can sit quietly and look out to sea....? 

THE BOOK - Thinking Differently About Everything: 100 Perspectives on What Really Matters 

Des McCabe's daily blog