Previous Episode: Day 148 - ​Weather forecast
Next Episode: Day 150 - Holiday


Some days I waken up
full of energy,
ready to get moving and
excited about the day ahead.

Some days I waken up
lacklustre, weary,
struggling to get going
to face the tasks ahead.

Today is an energy day
just like yesterday!
I must be on a roll.
It’s so good to be alive.

I must capitalise on this potential.
I have to get it all done.
For tomorrow, who knows,
I could be in low power mode.

These are not good days or bad days
for every day is a good day.
It’s simply me
managing my energy supply.



1. What is your energy level like today? Are you ready to go for it?
2. What is your plan for low energy days?   Remember,  all days have something special to teach us....  so  how can you accept slower days  with joy? 

THE BOOK - Thinking Differently About Everything: 100 Perspectives on What Really Matters 

Des McCabe's daily blog