Comedian, vlogger, author and podcast host Kelsey Darragh keeps a running inventory of the mental health challenges she’s faced and continues to deal with. There are a lot. But panic disorder, depression, and anxiety tend to be her big three. And she doesn’t have them all under  control all the time because, well, that’s not how it works. But she’s found that by talking about them and writing about them for herself and an audience, she can make a lot of progress and help people out. Kelsey had figured that comedy was going to be her path, somewhere along the Amy Schumer or Amy Poehler route, but when she started having the mental health conversations no one else was having, a new path was illuminated for her and one that she’s happy to be on. 

Visit Kelsey's website and Youtube channel. Get your copy of Kelsey's book, Don't F*cking Panic, here or wherever books are sold. Listen to Kelsey's podcast Confidently Insecure here, on her Youtube channel, or wherever podcasts are heard. Follow Kelsey on Twitter @kelseydarragh and on Instagram @kelseydarragh.

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Help is available right away.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255, 1-800-273-TALK

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741.

International suicide hotline numbers available here:

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John's acclaimed memoir, The Hilarious World of Depression, is available here.

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John is on Twitter @johnmoe

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