It’s much easier to talk about the weather than it is about mental health. We all know this. Because it’s a lot easier to face the idea of a rainy day than the idea of a mental disorder that might last the rest of one’s life. Still, getting those conversations going with a friend, with a therapist or psychiatrist, or even with yourself is the best way to make the situation less scary and more easily managed.

After facing up to some tough issues in the wake of the end of her first marriage, public radio veteran Anna Sale became interested in our collective resistance to talk about touchy topics, like the three mentioned in her podcast’s title. Now she’s added family and identity to that list in her new book, Let’s Talk About Hard Things.

Anna talks about why mental health is one of those scary things to talk about that could benefit from the conversation. She also offers some insight on how to approach a difficult conversation you need to have for yourself. It’s a great episode for people looking to make talking about all this stuff less weird and more productive.

Get your copy of Let's Talk About Hard Things here or wherever books are sold. Visit Anna Sale's website here. Listen to Anna's podcast, Death, Sex & Money, here or wherever pods are cast. Follow Anna on Twitter @annasale and on Instagram @annasalepics.

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Hey, remember, you’re part of Depresh Mode and we want to hear what you want to hear about. What guests and issues would you like to have covered in a future episode? Write us at [email protected].

Help is available right away.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255, 1-800-273-TALK

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741.

International suicide hotline numbers available here:

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John's acclaimed memoir, The Hilarious World of Depression, is available here.

Find the show on Twitter @depreshpod and Instagram @depreshpod.

John is on Twitter @johnmoe.

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