This could possibly be the most interesting concept in Dentistry today: 1. A 3 day Team meeting… 2. On a Cruise ship… 3. with 12CE… 4. learning from dozens of expert courses… 5. With HUNDREDS OF DENTISTS! My good friend is the genius behind the new learning experience on Cruise Ships. Today you will hear the insiders knowledge about… - The brilliance of a CRUISE SHIP filled with hundreds of dentists - The CE experience that dentists are raving about - How medical insurance may replace Dental PPOs (Shocking) - TEAM TRAINING that unites your staff - Why each Cruise is “sold out” - The #1 GUY-GIENIST, published in journals nationwide - How YOU can improve your team’s knowledge through OTHER practices - The RISE of Ted-Talks in dentistry you should know about - The hilarious story about waking up in the WRONG CITY :) Enjoy this fun and fascinating episode with one of dentistry’s great minds as our expert guest. BONUS RESOURCES: 1. Find out more about the Cruises for your team here: 2. Do you like the Ideal Practices Podcast? If so, would you be kind enough to leave a candid review: