I’ve been a 3D-Printing “groupie” for a long time. If the technology had a tour bus, I’d be on it. And now for solo-docs, the reality of 3D Printing here. Today’s episode will show you this incredible tech that’s available. Outside of dentistry you’ll find 3D Printed: - Jet engines - Toys - Automobile parts - Jewelry - Medical prosthetics Today… ALL DENTISTS can “print”: - Full provisionals - Single unit temps - Surgical guides - Night guards - And much much (exciting voice) more! Soon… Private Practice owners will be able to print a perfect crown for just a few dollars. So… Join me today on this mind-blowing episode. You’ll learn what’s happening NOW in the 3D Printing revolution in dentistry. This technology will be in your town…will your patients have YOU to thank? Enjoy! Jayme BONUS MATERIAL: 1. Capture behind the scene’s insights here www.idealpractices.com/3d 2. Subscribe to the Ideal Practices Podcast so you’re the first to hear the latest news. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dentistrys-ideal-practices/id997844691?mt=2