In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and Seth Creekmore speak with Mike Veny, Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist and leading mental health speaker, about emotional wellness. Mike shares the experiences that inspired the path to his career and prepared him to be a speaker. He also discusses how he approaches his speaking engagements to better suit his audience. 


“I think it’s important when you talk to any group is to understand their language and get out of your own language that you think is right in your head and talk in their language, or you’re not going to be able to communicate with them.” -Mike Veny [14:39]


“There’s so many things that are different about us, and yet, we’re all hearing there way more things that we probably share that are the same. And that’s the part that I think is so healing and so necessary right now as we have these difficult conversations that I would say generationally that we were not willing to have.” -Dr. B [17:50]


What You Will Learn:

[00:00] Intro

[01:22] What keeps Mike going day-to-day

[02:13] Why he’s interested in emotional wellness

[05:24] What prepared him to be a speaker

[12:12] How he approaches his speaking engagements

[19:24] An example of how we interact with each other

[??:??] How generations handle conversations

[28:19] An experiment Mike tried this year

[32:46] How Mike develop his skill to have tough conversations

[36:43] How to contact Mike

[37:33] Outro


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