In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B wraps up the ACE series with a review with co-host Seth Creekmore and answers questions from listeners.


“I really think that it’s our time in history to embrace our young children and really recognize that that’s the transformation of our society.” - Dr. B [20:36]


What You Will Learn:

[00:37] Intro

[2:15] The feedback Dr. B has received on the ACEs series and what surfaced as she recorded the episodes

[5:11] What she’s excited about for the upcoming series about parenting

[07:22] Things that can affect how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts kids

[11:18] Definitions of ages and stages and how they relate

[17:00] If trauma has the same effect on the brain after the age of 18 as ACEs do to brains under the age of 18

[20:54] How adverse childhood experiences impact self-efficacy in adulthood

[28:36] The best way for people in support roles to help children experiencing ACEs

[33:26] The emotional impact of life on children’s physical health

[38:??] What is ”good enough” parenting

[40:26] Practices or habits that can metabolize stored-body and/or cellular trauma

[49:48] Outro


Wear a mask and find your calm!



D.W. Winnicott’s “good enough mother”

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

Dr. Peter A. Levine

Dr. Dan Siegel

Email Dr. B: [email protected]

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Our partners:

ACEs Aware:

Every Neighborhood Partnership:

Saint Agnes Medical Center:

Truth Work Media: