In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B talks about confirmation bias which is how people disregard new information that contradicts their past beliefs and decisions. She explains how it affects major decisions made by a group of people and have an impact on others.

Listen in to learn why you need to actively fight your confirmation bias and be more open to disconfirming new information. You will also learn about the importance of reconsidering the current American school curriculum due to the changes brought by COVID-19. 

“We could specialize and use different kinds of professionals to mentor and teach people things that they need to know when they’re actually working in their field of study or specialization.” [20:08]

What You Will Learn:

[0:32] Intro
[1:50] Confirmation bias- when people completely disagree with information that conflicts with their beliefs, choices, or decisions.
[3:57] Understanding how confirmation bias happens in ignoring facts as long as they’re against what you believe in.
[8:05] Why we need to actively fight confirmation bias against ourselves and reorganize how decisions affecting others are made.
[9:54] How the brain fails us for failing to use contradictory information to what is disconfirming- new information.
[14:55] How COVID-19 has permanently changed the world in many sectors.
[16:24] The importance of revisiting our school curriculum to a baseline education that allows people to be in tune with specialization.
[22:42] The similarities between traditionalists and generation Z and how they’re going to recreate our future during and after the COVID-19.
[24:10] The statistics of people’s views on Coronavirus and what it means in terms of confirmation bias.

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