In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B looks into the psychological explanation for religious extremism and racism. She explains how people’s neurobiological functions are impacted by social influences over time to cause dysfunction.

Listen in to learn the importance of taking the Harvard Implicit Bias Test to help you determine your implicit bias against particular groups of people so you can rewire your brain. You will also learn why you need to engage in conversations that recognize extremism as functionally problematic.

“We have the capacity today to really look at our neurobiological system that’s been impacted by social influences.” [26:02]

What You Will Learn:

[0:32] Intro
[1:09] How fear in people promotes bias against the object they feel fear towards. How bias works in people.
[4:07] The process that allows the healthy brain to quickly stop making prejudiced judgments and behavior in a situation.
[8:19] The psychological explanation for racism. The relationship between brain disfunction and religious extremism and racism.
[13:42] Why you need to take the Implicit Bias Test to measure your implicit bias against a particular group and how to rewire your brain.
[18:54] How to be aware of your implicit bias and rewire your brain in order to have resilient healthy strong culturally inclusive communities.
[21:56] How to stop people with dysfunction neurological issues from running major systems that are built to protect people.
[24:44] Why we need to recognize extremism as functional problem in the brain. 

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