In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and Seth Creekmore talk with Ashlee Hernandez about intergenerational trauma, immigration and oppression. Ashlee manages the Fresno County Trauma-Informed Network of Care (NoC) through the ACEs Aware Initiative. Ashley draws from her personal experiences to discuss how the intersectionality of immigration and oppression impact people through adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Listen as they share how to heal from this trauma that crosses generations.


“It’s so important to talk about your trauma and share your story because someone could be listening that has a similar story and then that can speak to them and have them maybe not feel alone.” - Ashlee Hernandez [10:00]


“Voice is so important. When we recognize that we’re having an experience from childhood in our adult lives, just owning that and knowing it is so healing and powerful.” - Dr. B [20:16]


“You can blame as many people as you want, and yes, there’s a certain level of accountability that needs to be had, but really at the end of the day, it’s about your work. You have to do the work.” - Seth Creekmore [26:50]


What You Will Learn:

[00:36] Intro

[02:12] Ashlee’s family history with immigration

[07:15] The impact of intergenerational trauma

[12:09] What is intergenerational trauma

[16:03] Ways intergenerational trauma shows up in Ashlee’s life

[22:56] Why it’s important to recognize systemic difference

[31:08] Why we should shift our thinking around those receiving government assistance

[37:11] An actionable takeaway to work through intergenerational trauma

[39:05] Outro


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