Welcome to today’s episode of Delusional Optimism with Dr. B! Today she talks about the importance of instilling resilience into our children through education. She explains the history of our current education system and why it is so flawed.

Listen in to learn the importance of a community-based education model as opposed to the institutional education model that exists today. You will also hear Dr. B’s flawed experience with our education system.

“We need humans to be dedicated to the process of growing small humans into happy healthy socially responsible loving citizens.” [16:56]

What You Will Learn:

[1:04] Why we need to redesign the US system of education to make it more about citizenship and resilience.
[3:06] She explains in detail when and how our current system of education came into place.
[6:17] Why our forefathers were emotionally impaired and more focused on building a country more than showing humanity.
[9:00] Why we need to acknowledge racism and make amends for the crimes committed against black people.
[10:28] Dr. B shares her education journey and how her resilience was challenged due to existing flaws in the system.
[12:45] She describes the ‘high performing learning communities’ research project.
[16:08] Why we need to break away from the institutional education model to a more community social-emotional protective factor model of education.
[16:15] What we need to do to ensure we’re building resilient communities. 

Relevant Links:

Website: https://www.drbconnections.com/