In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and Seth Creekmore speak with Gail Kennedy from PACEs Connection. Gail talks about the connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs). She also discusses how PACEs Connection provides a worldwide online and community-based network with the goal of raising awareness in how ACEs can change and impact who we are as well as the positive things that happen to us.


“Once you learn about ACEs and then PACEs and resilience, because we have to understand it within ourselves before we can really share it with somebody else. Always integrating that story of like, ‘Who am I in relation to my ACE score?’ helps me create my story. Then my story can drive everything else that goes on around me, but it’s very hard to drive the car if you’re not in the car.” - Dr. B [16:30]


“We’re the connectors. We’re the place where people can find each other or the online presence that a group that’s been meeting, that were doing this great work can share with each other and the rest of the world what they’re doing.” - Gail Kennedy [19:12]


What You Will Learn:

[00:36] Intro

[04:10] The connection between ACEs Connection & PACEs Connection

[10:56] How PACEs Connection is structured

[13:22] When Gail found out about ACEs

[18:43] Geography-based communities

[20:33] Any downfalls that people have experienced

[23:30] ACEs Aware Initiative in California

[29:37] How important it is to be in touch with your body

[32:04] Seven stress busters

[35:27] How to contact Gail Kennedy

[38:32] Outro


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Visit PACEs Connection:

Email Gail Kennedy: [email protected]


Our partners:

ACEs Aware:

Every Neighborhood Partnership:

Saint Agnes Medical Center:

Truth Work Media: