In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B talks about how the current civil unrest is a sign of optimism especially because people are demanding change in the middle of a global pandemic. She shares a horrific story of just a fraction of what black women and children would go through in slavery and how it justifies the anger and the need for change.

Listen in to learn what you can do as a white person to eliminate ignorance and see a community beyond the color of your skin.

“Our skin tone is just so irrelevant to the globe. What’s relevant is our depth and ability to weave ourselves together with compassion and love.” [23:55]

What You Will Learn:

[1:11] Intro
[1:37] Why the protesting in the middle of a global pandemic is the best thing that could happen.
[3:01] The horrific story of how black women were imprisoned, raped, and their children taken away at 10 years old.
[5:24] Why we need to get uncomfortable while learning the reality of the horrific black and white history that happened.
[7:03] The importance of being empathetic and compassionate towards people who endured the atrocities by reading and listening to their stories.
[9:01] How trauma is carried through epigenetically from one generation to another.
[11:13] The optimism that is reflected by the current protests in the middle of a pandemic shows that change is about to happen.
[15:18] How peaceful protests are activated by the parts of our brain that invites optimism.
[16:29] How to challenge yourself and learn history- especially black history.
[19:35] Why we need to teach our children how their actions are optimism and how they can optimistically predict their expectations.
[20:28] How to look beyond our selfishness and add people from different ethnicities to our community.

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