When Sarah Willey was in her senior year of undergraduate school, she started struggling with breathing.  She didn’t even think it was asthma related until two to three years later when an observer told Sarah she was having trouble with her asthma because her cough sounded like their child, who has asthma, cough.

At the age of 29, Willey started experiencing neck pain that came and went for months.  When it got to the point, she could not lift her right arm, Willey visited a doctor where she was diagnosed with degenerative disk disease.  Willey describes degenerative disk disease as a fancy way of saying my body is aging just like everyone body does, just a bit faster.

Willey also has Hashimoto thyroiditis which prevents her thyroid from producing the number of hormones it is meant to produce and it is considered an autoimmune disorder.

Although these chronic illness are obstacles for Willey, she has never allowed them to prevent her from pursuing her passion to learn (she is currently working on her doctorate) and work in fundraising for non-profits.

During Willey’s appearance on this episode of the #DefineYourself Podcast, she shares what she has learned about her chronic illnesses from the school of hard knocks, and how she takes that education and has applied it to her life so she can live the life she desires.  Willey also shares her determination to keep doing what she is passionate about doing regardless what her body throws at her.

Willey also shares her recent experience where she learned that her position was eliminated during a Zoom meeting.  Willey shares the shock she experienced and how she is overcoming that setback by pushing forward as a solopreneur.  Willey discusses her business venture called Sarah Wiley LLC where she is passionate about helping people use social media better, helping non-profits cultivate induvial giving and working with small businesses getting off the ground on social media.


·        https://sarahwilleyllc.com/

·        https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahwilley/

·        http://twitter.com/sarahnicole838

·        https://www.instagram.com/sarahnicole838/

·        http://www.Toastmasters.org


The producer and host of the #DefineYourself Podcast is an inspirational and motivational author, writer, blogger, speaker and podcaster.

Chris, through his business #DefineYourself, mission is to empower YOU to overcome your COALS: challenges, obstacles, adversities, limitations and/setbacks and achieve your GOALS for success in your professional and personal lives.

If you are ready to start overcoming your COALS and start achieving your GOALS get Chris’ FREE eBook, The 10 Steps to #DefineYourself at http://10stepstodefineyourself.com

Chris can be contacted at [email protected]

For more information about the #DefineYourself Podcast, visit http://defineyourselfpodcast.com/ 

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