SPECIAL GUEST: Ela Staniak Founder of Feminine Leaders LEARN MORE! https://www.feminineleaders.co https://www.linkedin.com/in/ela-stani... https://bit.ly/3xKhVQw (FREE "12 Key Pain Points of Feminine Leaders) https://calendly.com/elastaniak/60min... (FREE discovery call)

ABOUT Ela: As a Feminine Leadership Coach to female CEO’s, Executives, and Business Owners Ela champions stratospheric results beyond imagining for women ready to achieve the next level of trajectory to ‘Lead & Live THE ULTIMATE LIFE’. Having had the privilege for nearly 15 years to work with high calibre female leaders internationally in broad range of industries from government, technology, media, to athletes, millionaires, entrepreneurs specialising in vertical (consciousness) & horizontal (skills and capabilities) behavioural change in leadership development Ela witnessed time and time again powerful women capable of achieving incredible potential struggle to achieve the next level of evolution personally and professionally. ‘Feminine Leaders’ was born out of a passion to empower women to champion their ‘inner game’, reclaim their moxie and feminine leadership qualities to breakthrough the perception of the ‘glass ceiling’ and “have it all!” Ela landed coverage in hundreds of print and broadcast outlets around the world including her 2020 TED Talk "Diversity & Inclusion are logically impossible”.