​This event is part of the Marketplace Discussions series in an attempt to bridge the gap between disciplines.

​Summary: In this marketplace discussion, the main discussion will center around innovation in consumer goods: where all those new products in your supermarket and drugstore come from. How big corporations try to figure out what you'll be willing to buy, and usually fail to get it right. What sustainability & impact investing actually means, and how simple it is to do well if you understand how it should work (which isn't how it currently works).

​Bio: Costas is co-Founder of the global creative innovation agency Happen Group, which created over $5Bn incremental revenue for its clients. Sold to Accenture in 2019, after which Costas considered living under a bridge but instead dabbled with VC. He now writes books about the ugly reality of innovation and doing business in consumer goods. In the past 25 years, he has led innovation projects across cultures and categories on all continents (including the Antarctic), for over 100 major consumer goods companies. Before starting Happen, Costas worked as a product designer and engineering manager.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/grumpyinnovator

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Website: https://decafquest.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Decafquest

For more info: [email protected]

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